
How To Take Care Of Your Ghost Fragrance

If this is the first time you are buying yourself a bottle of perfume, then the next thing you should find out will be about how to take care of your perfume. I still remember when I first bought a bottle of Ghost Serenity perfume. I did not know how to take care of it and ended up with a bottle of perfume that turn yellow after just three weeks. The bottle of Ghost Serenity perfume comes in a nice and elegant transparent bottle that allows one to enjoy the wonderful sight of the bluish liquid.However one problem with the bottle is its lack of opacity. Perfumes that come with a transparent bottle are not protected from the light and heat RC Air Swimmers of the sun. When the perfume is placed in an area where it comes in contact with the sunlight, the liquid will react with UV rays and heat from the sunlight. After coming in contact with the sunlight for long period of angry bird time, the perfume will start to fade, turn yellow and its scents become faint. The bottle of perfume that Air Swimmers looks so wonderful at first, has simply lost its appealing looks in a matter of three weeks.If you do not want your favorite perfume from going to waste, then you should learn how to take care of your perfume. Perfumes that come with a transparent bottle should always be kept in the original package that comes with it. The box that comes with the perfume provides the perfume with the necessary protection and preserves its freshness. However if you have already disposed off the original package, then I suggest you look for an area that does not come in contact with the sun or any heat source. One good area is the toilet where it is cool and damp or on your dresser if it is placed away from the nearest window.

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