
Why SEO Beats Cold Calling For Generating Leads

Internet users are growing by the day. These users seek out information on the www and make informed purchasing decisions. They resist being called by telemarketers and website owners employing smart SEO practices can easily bring potential customers on to their website. Today, it is a fact that SEO is a more acceptable, non-intrusive and "decent" practice as compare to cold calling, which possesses tremendous nuisance value.Yes, cold calling was about the only way you were going to attract a lot of potential customers without spending thousands of dollars. Everything was setup for sellers, but today things seem to be setup for the buyer. Online retailers use places like Facebook and Twitter for gaining a more targeted audience. There are other avenues as well like; article marketing, videos, blogs, forums, and various other approaches. These are the "wooing" tactics rc flying fish many of us enjoy today.Due to all these avenues, cold calling has almost become obsolete. In fact, SEO can do about 70% of the job before cold calling would even make a dent. Why? Well, here are a few reasons1. If you place keyword rich content in Meta tags, rc air swimmers Meta descriptions, title tags, image texts, and body text can help websites reach the top of the search engines. The end result is increasing your brand recall value. How many times did cold calling ever do this in a positive manner?2. The advancement of SEO today can catapult a website into the top search engine rankings and achieve the same value as 1.3. Articles and videos help you bring products to customers after search engine use. Both options are considered a part of SEO practices and are utilized to attract potential customers to a product or service. Cold calling is an entirely different approach that makes a person or company look pushy.4. When you push customers into a sale there is a bigger cancellation rate. When you use proper SEO strategies this situation is alleviated all together. This is because you're invited them to come to your site. When they have control of the decision it becomes more enticing to everyone.5. Cold calling would be considered "unfocused marketing." SEO is considered targeted marketing.6. Opt-in marketing, which you can say is another side of SEO, actually invites prospects to register themselves for a future sales pitch, and it is a babydoll wholesale proven working model. Ever try to get prospects to register for a cold calling exercise?7. Cold calling is an approach that has several laws attached to it. It's possible you could end up with harassment suits if you aren't careful.To sum up, SEO scores way above cold calling - it fetches you free targeted traffic, converts better than cold calls, enhances your brand value, is cost effective, helps your potential and existing customers, and increases sales. Go for it!

